SVDP Financial Aid

SVDP’s Financial Aid Office coordinates the Direct Loan program, which is available for the MDiv, MAPS, and MATS programs. To apply for this program, a financial statement must be submitted and a needs analysis  is made by the Federal Student Aid Processor (FAFSA). To qualify for a student loan, a student must be enrolled on at least a half-time basis (taking two or more classes or be enrolled in a pastoral internship). For more information on applying for financial aid please fill out this Contact Form and you will be reached by the Director of Financial Aid.

Students new to the Direct Loan program must complete entrance counseling and then apply for a loan at Repayment of Stafford loans begins six months after graduation, withdrawal or dropping below half time. Students who graduate or withdraw must complete exit counseling at Failure to complete this requirement can delay federal aid requested from a school attended after leaving SVDP.

Because financial aid for seminarians in the MDiv  and MAPS programs is usually provided through the vocations office of their respective dioceses, the seminary recommends that seminarians in the MDiv and MAPS programs receive counseling from their Ordinary, Vocation Director, or the Rector prior to applying for a student loan. The seminary also recommends that seminarians not apply for loans exceeding $4,000 per academic year, bearing in mind the earning potential of a diocesan priest and his ability to repay.

Information on other sources of financial aid is available at the Financial Aid Office.

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