With praise and gratitude to Almighty God, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary joyfully announces the ordination of 12 seminarians as Deacons.
The men ordained this year are from the following (Arch)Dioceses: from Miami - Andrew Joseph Vitrano-Farinato, Gustavo Andres Santos Higuera, Saul Holanda Martins Araujo and Piotr Sawicki; From Palm Beach - Marc Bruno Gustinelli; from St. Petersburg - Christian Alfredo Galvan; Venice - Alan Joseph Baldarelli Jr and Michael Bishop Young; and from Orlando - Ángel Jomar García-Chávez, Zachary Taylor Parker, and Edgar Serrano.
In addition, the Bishop of Charleston, Bishop Jacques Fabre, C.S. will ordain seminarian
Paul Robert Lacombe
On Friday, May 20, 2022 at
Saint Peter Catholic Church in Beaufort, SC.