Forming happy, healthy, holy Catholic men at the start of their journey in priestly formation

The Propaedeutic Stage

The Propaedeutic Stage serves as the first experience in formation for the Catholic priesthood – assisting the new seminarian in the initial development of a priestly identity. This Stage offers initial formation in all dimensions of priestly formation: 

 Human, Spiritual, Intellectual and Pastoral


The Propaedeutic Stage focuses on life in community and strengthening the human and spiritual foundations of each student (PPF6 #32). The name of the program Anima Christi represents the spiritual posture of humility and docility seminarians seek to embody entrusting themselves completely to God in order to live in intimate, unceasing communion with the Trinity.


Fraternity | Workshops | Self knowledge | Social Intelligence | Emotional Intelligence | Time Management | Communication Skills | Outdoor Activities

Seminarians will find a dedicated community life meant to foster prayer, discernment, and personal growth. They will live a rule of life distinct from the other seminarians on campus with greater space for human and spiritual growth. 


Prayer | Retreats |   Spiritual Direction | Contemplation | Scripture Meditation

Seminarians will develop a rhythm of prayer through daily Mass, lectio divina, and the Liturgy of the Hours. Periods of silence and detachment from media devices, as well as the accompaniment of their formator, spiritual director, and counselor will help each man hear God’s call and grow in freedom


Familiarity with Christian Doctrine | Form Habits of Study | Spark Intellectual Curiosity

Intellectual formation, including learning to read the Sacred Scriptures, the documents of Vatican II, and Catechism of the Catholic Church, will help the men to form habits of study and spark intellectual curiosity and the love of learning.


Mission Trips | Parish and Ministry Experience | Develop the Capacity for Self-Gift | Opening Oneself to Differing Cultures

Regular apostolic works as well as mission trips will help them to form hearts moved by pastoral charity. 


Director, Anima Christi Propaedeutic Program

(561) 732-4424

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