Oscar C. Schorp Library
Library Resources
For access to the Oscar C. Schorp Library Catalog and information on other library resources click here.
Materials placed on reserve by faculty are to be treated as reference materials and must remain in the library. The reserve material must be returned to the reserve shelf within 2 hours so others may have access. Only videos placed on reserve may be taken from the library facility for viewing. However, these must be returned the same day or the morning of the following day.
Rare Books
The rare book room is kept locked. It is only available for use while the staff is present. These books are irreplaceable and may not be accessed except in the rare book room itself. Ask one of the staff if you would like to access these materials and let a librarian know when you plan to vacate the room.
Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary loan allows SVDP students and faculty to borrow materials that are not in our collection from other libraries. Requests for materials that are not in our collection are handled by the Library Director. Often, electronic material can be received in a couple of days, however, there may be a delay of two weeks or more to receive any material ordered so take that into consideration before making an interlibrary loan request. Typically interlibrary loan requests are free. If there is an extraordinary fee for borrowing material, the library will inform the borrower before proceeding.
Returning an interlibrary loan item late may result in additional fees. In order to submit an interlibrary loan request, you must not have any overdue materials charged against your name.
Library Copy Machine
A printer/copier is available for use in the Computer Room free of charge.
Study Carrels and Study Tables
There are 20 study carrels in the library which may be reserved for a period of one academic year by any registered student. These are located in the periodicals area of the library. To reserve a study carrel, please see the librarian. Bound periodicals may be placed on study carrels on the shelf so they are visible to the library staff. Books left in the carrels must have been checked out first. Reference materials, current periodicals, reserve books, and audiovisual materials may never be left in the carrels.
Study tables are not reserved and student and faculty can use open tables at any time. Study materials cannot be left at the study tables for an extended period of time.
Library Computers and Printer
All computers in the library use the login croom and the password vincent. The library computer located at the reference and circulation desk are to be used for searching library holdings only. The computer located on the floor in the periodicals area is used to search periodical databases. Computers in the computer lab are designed for word processing or searching loaded compact disks. Attempting to use any of these computers beyond their specified purpose could cause problems for you and the next person who needs to use them. Ask for assistance if you encounter a problem using any of the library's computers.
In order to use the printers in the computer lab you need to provide your own paper or purchase a package of 500 sheets for $3 from the library director. If a printer cartridge needs to be replaced or you encounter any problems with printing, please see Information Technology staff.
Telephone Located on Circulation Desk
The telephone located on the library circulation desk is available primarily as an emergency phone. Please do not use it for your personal phone calls. If you need to use it, please be sure to speak quietly and for a short duration.
Lost or Damaged Materials
In fiscal year 2016, the average cost of any book purchased was $43.65. Scholarly books and audiovisual materials tend to cost more. Keep this in mind when you borrow materials since you are personally responsible for returning them in good condition. Before you leave the seminary, and prior to summer vacation, you will need to return all borrowed materials and pay for any materials which are lost or damaged.
Contact Info
10701 S. Military Trail
Boynton Beach, Florida, 33436-4899
PHONE: (561) 732-4424
FAX: (561) 737-2205