Propaedeutic Program

Anima Christi Certificate in Scripture, Catechesis, and Spirituality


The Anima Christi Certificate in Scripture, Catechesis, and Spirituality exists to fulfill intellectual formation goals of the Propaedeutic Stage in the Program of Priestly Formation, 6th edition (2022; PPF6). For all students admitted to the seminary who have not already completed the propaedeutic requirements, the Propaedeutic Stage serves as the first experience in formation for the Catholic priesthood at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary. 

The Propaedeutic Stage offers initial formation in all dimensions of priestly formation: human, spiritual, pastoral, and intellectual. Unlike the Discipleship and Configuration stages, which have a greater emphasis on intellectual and pastoral formation, the Propaedeutic Stage focuses on “the life of the Church as a community in which excellence of character is nurtured” and strengthening the human and spiritual foundations of each student (PPF6 #32). However, integrated intellectual formation is a foundational component of the Propaedeutic Stage.


Seminarians who complete the Anima Christi Certificate in Scripture, Catechesis, and Spirituality will:
1. develop a nuanced, integrated understanding of Sacred Scripture, Catholic doctrine, anthropology, liturgy, priestly identity, and spirituality. 
2. demonstrate initiative in gathering information needed for fulsome and proficient theological reflection on their own lives and vocational discernment, as well as pastoral ministry, including use of Scripture, doctrine, contextual data, and personal experience. 

Prospective seminarians interested in the program should speak to their diocesan vocation director to discuss their discernment. 

Anima Christi Certificate in Scripture, Catechesis, and Spirituality Plan of Studies

Admissions Requirements and Application for Seminarians

Mailing Address:

St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary

Attn: Academic Office

10701 S. Military Trail

Boynton Beach, FL 33436-4899

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