Master of Divinity - MDIV


The seminary’s primary purpose is the preparation of candidates for the Roman Catholic priesthood. The priesthood ordination program is a process of formation, which entails the proper preparation of candidates as ministers of Word and Sacrament for today’s complex world. 


The M.Div. degree program at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary offers a graduate, professional degree to candidates for the Catholic priesthood. Its principal aim is to provide preparation for ordained priestly ministry, integrating the academic (intellectual), human, spiritual, and pastoral dimensions of formation.


The M.Div. Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) express the expectation that the graduate of the M.Div. program will


  1. manifest emotional, moral, and psychological maturity for Christian living, evangelizing witness, and joyful priestly service (Human Formation: M.Div. SLO-1) ;
  2. evidence a theologically informed, developing priestly spirituality that embraces prayer, simplicity of life, obedience, pastoral service, attentiveness to the marginalized and social justice, a commitment to spiritual direction, a regular practice of the use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a valuing of community, and chaste celibacy (Spiritual Formation: M.Div. SLO-2) ;
  3. demonstrate a competent understanding of Catholic theology (including Scripture, systematic theology, moral theology, canon law, and historical theology) and the ability to research and develop well-grounded theological arguments (including the ability to conduct research using appropriate resources, synthesize and logically organize information, evaluate nuanced perspectives, and connect to one’s own spiritual life and to pastoral practice (Intellectual Formation: M.Div. SLO-3) ;
  4. exhibit a substantive capacity for priestly ministry and pastoral leadership to the People of God as developed through field education placements and responsibilities (Pastoral Formation: M.Div. SLO-4) ;
  5. express evangelical zeal and competency for pastoral outreach to all, with particular attention to the poor and marginalized, through the acquisition of pastoral language skills, awareness of cultural context, the application of theological material to pastoral situations, and well-developed preaching and teaching skills (Missionary Discipleship: M.Div. SLO-5) .


Prospective seminarians interested in the M.Div. Program should speak to their diocesan vocation director to discuss their discernment. 

MDiv Plan of Studies

MDiv Admissions Requirements and Application

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