
 “Announce a year of favor from the Lord.” (Isaiah 61:2)


As we prepare for Jubilee Year 2025, which will begin with the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s in Rome

on Christmas Eve, we at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary are focusing on the proclamation of this year of favor as our annual theme. I hope and pray that you will experience God’s favor in manifold ways this Christmas Season and throughout 2025, aware that you yourselves are signs of God’s goodness to us.


I pray for all of you and for our country and the world this Advent and Christmas season, that God may give each one of us the grace to be Pilgrims of Hope, bringing the light of the Christ Child to all who lack hope.

Hope is the virtue the world needs most today. It is the gift we at SVDP seek to offer you, that you may offer it to all you meet.


Many blessings to you and yours this Christmas and throughout 2025. 

With gratitude and prayers,

Very Rev. Alfredo I. Hernandez

Rector and President

For additional information or questions please contact Development or by phone at (561) 732-4424.

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