Seminarians learn the art of Iconography through their devotion to St. Joseph.

On May 5th, the seminary welcomed Nancy Ewing, from Atlanta, GA, owner of Emmanuel Studio to lead an Icon workshop for the Propaedeutic seminarians.

The men began preparing their Icon boards Sunday (5/5) evening and continued to paint them through Friday (5/10) morning. The Icon that was chosen for this project was

St. Joseph.

Before picking up their brushes, Nancy began each session with a prayer. The men worked with care on every detail of their Icon and during their work, they prayed in order to strengthen themselves physically and spiritually. Nancy reminded the men to never forget the joy of spreading icons throughout the world, the joy of the work of Icon writing, the joy of giving St. Joseph the possibility to shine through their Icon and the joy of being in union with him.


The men held a blessing ceremony this past Friday.

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